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Alexander Grechaninov's Vespers Liturgy is a masterpiece of Orthodox music from one of Russia's most renowned composers. As a pupil of Tchaikovsky, Grechaninov's music reflects a deep understanding and appreciation for the rich tradition of Orthodox chants. His Vespers Liturgy showcases his ability to blend ancient melodies with a modern sensibility, creating a timeless and profoundly spiritual listening experience. This iconic work is performed around the world in Orthodox churches and concert halls, and is a must-have for any lover of sacred music.

Immerse yourself in the profound beauty of Grechaninov's Vespers Liturgy and experience the power of Orthodox music at its finest.

Alexander Grechaninov · Vespers Liturgy

  • [1] Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Blagoslovi dushe moya Gospoda) 5'29''

    [2] Blessed isthe Man (Blazhen muzh) 4'36''

    [3] O Gladsome Radiance (Svete tihii) 4'05''

    [4] Rejoice Virgin Mother of God (Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya) 1'17''

    [5] Praise Ye the Name of the Lord (Hvalite imya Gospodne) 5'58''

    [6] Troparion of Resurrection /Blessed Be the Lord/ (Blagosloven esi, Gospodi) 7'25''

    [7] Since My Youth Onwards (Ot yunosti moeya) 3'00''

    [8] Christ's Resurrection (Voskresenie Hristovo videvshe) 3'53''

    [9] Great Doxology (Veliko slavoslovie) 10'21''

    [10] Thanksgiving to the Mother (Vozbrannoi voevode) 1'36''

    DDD 47'43''

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