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Messa in onore by Antonio Nani is a significant addition to the series of Maltese music released by Gega New, supported by APS Bank, Malta. As the tenth programme in the series, Nani's work showcases the rich and diverse musical heritage of the island. Influenced by Italian musical culture, Nani's composition is both reminiscent of classical traditions and uniquely individual. The Messa in onore stands out as an exquisite and masterful composition, showcasing Nani's exceptional musical talent. The album offers a unique and enriching musical experience, allowing listeners to delve into the beauty and creativity of classical music. This album offers a captivating insight into Nani's mastery as a composer and adds to the selection of Maltese musicians.
Get ready to be mesmerized by the timeless beauty of Antonio Nani's Messa in onore!

Recorded on 1st-2nd December 2008 in the Chapel of the Porziuncola House of the Franciscan Fathers, Bahar ic-Caghaq, Malta.


Antonio Nani · Messa in onore

  • [1] Kyrie 10’28’’
    [2] Gloria in excelsis Deo 5’06’’
    [3] Laudamus te 2’59’’
    [4] Domine Deus 5’20’’
    [5] Qui tollis 8’03’’
    [6] Qui sedes 6’49’’
    [7] Cum Sancto Spiritu – Amen 5’18’’
    [8] Credo 13’54’’
    [9] Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus 1’23’’
    [10] Benedictus 1’47’’
    [11] Agnus Dei 3’02’’
    DDD 64’08’’
  • Joseph Aquilina (tenor), Charles Vella Zarb (tenor)

    Alfred Camilleri (baritone), Anthony Montebello (bass)

    The Mirabitur Choir - male section The Jubal Orchestra

    Rev. John Galea - conductor

    Bulgarian Website
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