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Kosta Kolev is a legendary figure in Bulgarian folk music. As a virtuoso accordionist, composer, and conductor, he has made an indelible mark on the country's traditional culture. His unique arrangements and original compositions have made a lasting impact on the Bulgarian traditional culture, and his brilliant performances on the accordion have captivated audiences for decades.

 Any music enthusiast looking to explore the depth and beauty of Bulgarian folk music would find Kosta Kolev's works to be an essential addition to their collection.

Bulgarian Folk Heritage · Kosta Kolev

  • [1] HaramiiskoHoro 3’32”

    [2] Zaiko-Kukuraiko 1’52”

    [3] Kalimanku, Denku Mari 3’06”

    [4] Lyulka se Lyulia, Devoiko 3’17”

    [5] Kukerski Melodii 2’51”

    [6] Chie e tova Momiche 2’32”

    [7] Az ne sum Doshal, Kalino 3’27”

    [8] Kalino, Dyulber Malino 3’08”

    [9] Lyubila Safeta Stoyan Kehaya i Horo 3’43”

    [10] Proviknal mi sei Nikola 3’30”

    [11] Sitni, Stoino 2’39”

    [12] Buentsi 5’31”

    [13] Slantseto Treperi 2’43”

    [14] Pravo Horo 3’02”

    [15] Rosen, Rosen 3’00”

    [16] Lele, Velo 3’44”

    [17] Krivo Plovdivsko Horo 3’06”

    [18] Oi, Nedo 1’56”

    Total: 56’45’’

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