Prepare to be transported to the enchanting world of French music with the collaboration of world-renowned violoncellist Robin Clavreul and pianist Boris Nedeltchev. Together, they present a captivating programme of works by Henri Duparc and Francis Poulenc, shedding light on these two often overlooked French composers. Experience the rich and emotive melodies of Duparc, a prominent figure of French Romanticism, and the innovative and vibrant compositions of Poulenc, a member of the influential group known as Les Six. This dynamic duo brings a fresh perspective to the music of these exceptional artists, delivering an unforgettable performance that showcases the depth and beauty of French music for violoncello and piano.
French Music · Violoncello & Piano
Sonate pour violoncelle et piano (1867)
[1] Introducton - presto appassionato 6'05''
[2] 2e mouvement 1'51''
[3] Andante furioso 5'05''
[4] Romance de Mignon 5'17''
Sonate pour violoncelle et piano
[5] Allegro - tempo di marcia 5'23''
[6] Cavatine 5'48''
[7] Ballabile 3'05''
[8] Finale 6'03''
DDD 38'37"
Robin Clavreul, violoncello
Boris Nedeltchev, piano