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Celebrate Easter with Good Friday · Orthodox Lyturgy, a captivating collection of nine popular chants chosen by conductor Miroslav Popsavov in honor of the sufferings of Lord Jesus Christ during the final days of his earthly life. This special selection features arrangements and harmonizations by renowned Russian composers such as Kedrov, Bakhmetiev, and Tchaikovsky, and bulgarian composer Dobri Hristov adding a rich and artistic depth to the traditional chants. The hauntingly beautiful melodies and harmonies evoke a sense of reverence and solemnity, creating a truly immersive and moving experience for worshippers. As you listen to these timeless melodies, you will be transported to the heart of the Orthodox Easter traditions and feel a deep connection to the religious significance of this holy day.


Recorded in the Archaeological Museum, Sofia

Good Friday · Orthodox Lyturgy

  • [1] Great Litany (Velika ektenia) - N. Kedrov, Jr. 6'13''

    [2] Good-Lookin Joseph (Blagoobraznii Jossif) - Bakhmetiev 8'05''

    [3] Grave-Wailing (Nadgroben plach) - D. Hristov 20'43''

    [4] Eulogitarium - P. I. Tchaikovsky 6'15''

    [5] Kanon for Good Saturday - Bakhmetiev 9'04''

    [6] Small Litany "Holy Lord" - M. Popsavov 2'49''

    (Malka ektenia Svyat Gospod) 

    [7] Every Breath (Vsyakoe dihanie) - Bakhmetiev 1'30''

    [8] Great Doxology (Slavoslovie velikoe) - P. I. Tchaikovsky 6'47''

    [9] Mournful "Holy God" (Traurno Svyati Bozhe) – Bakhmetiev 2'34''

    DDD 64'06''

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