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Celebrate the glory of Christ's birth with the timeless beauty of Orthodox Liturgy by Ivan Petrov-Iochan. This collection of beautiful chants accompanies the holiday church service within the Orthodox tradition, creating a truly meaningful and spiritual experience. The sound of the exclamations and the chime of the bells will immerse you in the atmosphere of a genuine Orthodox Liturgy, allowing you to connect with the ancient and sacred tradition. The timeless beauty of these pieces will transport you to a place of deep spiritual reflection and awe-inspiring worship. Add this extraordinary collection to your music library and experience the power of Orthodox liturgical music like never before.

Ivan Petrov-Iochan · Orthodox Liturgy

  • [1] Rozhdestvo Hristovo / Christ's Nativity - Troparion 1'29''

    [2] Velika Ektenia / Great Litany 6'29''

    [3] Molitvami Bogoroditsi/With Prayers to the Holy Mother Of God 0'36''

    [4] Malka Ektenia No. 2small Litany No. 1 1'47''

    [5] Slava Edinorodnii / Glory To The Only-Begotten Son 1'50''

    [6] Malka Ektenia / Small Litany No. 2 1'42''

    [7] Vo Tsarstvii Tvoem / In Thy Kingdom 2'47''

    [8] Priidite Poklonimsya / Come, Let Us Worship 1'23''

    [9] Svyatii Bozhe / Holy God 2'40''

    [10] Suguba Ektenia / Litany Of Fervent Supplication 1'48''

    [11] Heruvimska No. 1 / Cherubic Song No. 1 5'43''

    [12] Ektenia / Litany 2'17''

    [13] Ottsa I Sina / The Father and the Son 0'28''

    [14] Veruyu / Credo 8'14''

    [15] Milost Mira / Mercy of Peace 5'06''

    [16] Tebe Poem / We Sing to You 4'14''

    [17] Dostoino Est / Meet It Is 2'01''

    [18] Prositelna Ektenia / Litany of Supplication 3'03''

    [19] Orche Nash / The Lord's Prayer 3'22''

    [20] Edin Svyat / One World 0'47''

    [21] Vnushi Bozhe / Induce, O Lord 5'42''

    [22] Mnogaya Leta / Grant O Lord, Many Years 2'59''

    DDDD 66'30''

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