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Personification brings together the masterful talents of Theodosii Spassov and the BNR Big Band, creating a dynamic and unforgettable jazz experience. Spassov, known for his virtuoso kaval playing, showcases his exceptional skill and artistry in this latest collaboration. With a discography of five original albums released by Gega New, Spassov brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this new programme. The fusion of Spassov's unique musical style with the powerful sound of the BNR Big Band results in a performance that is as captivating as it is exhilarating.
With decades of experience and a passion for pushing the boundaries of jazz, these talented musicians deliver a performance that is not to be missed!

Personification · Theodosii Spassov & BNR Big Band

  • [1] Personification – music Theodosii Spassov 3’09’’

    [2] Rachenitsa – music Staiko Staikov 4’52’’

    [3] Something Beautiful – music Theodosii Spassov 5’09’’

    [4] Nostalgy for the Village – music Theodosii Spassov and Milen Kukosharov 5’08’’

    [5] Nestinari (Fire Dancers) – music Krassimir Miletkov 4’02’’

    [6] You Are not Alone – music Stefan Dimitrov 2’53’’

    [7] Tuesday, 1st of April – music Theodosii Spassov and Milen Kukosharov 4’37’’

    [8] Gizdavitsi – music Staiko Staikov 2’40’’

    [9] Ballad of a Puffed-up Gaida – music Theodosii Spassov 4’30’’

    [10] Shope Song – music Krassimir Miletkov 3’24’’

    [11] Bacillus Bulgaricus – music Krassimir Miletkov 4’52’’

    [12] Dobrudja Tease Song – music Krassimir Miletkov 2’13’’

    [13] Better Get it in your Soul – music Charlie Mingus 4’14’’

    [14] Duck Soup – music Theodosii Spassov 3’46’’

    DDD 55’41’’

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