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The Peter Dinev · Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom contains one of the most significant compositions of Peter Dinev. As a musicologist and pedagogue, Dinev's work is focused on Orthodox music, and he has worked tirelessly on the "translation" of ecclesiastic characters into modern linear notation. This album is a must-have for anyone interested in the best Orthodox songs and compositions, as it represents the incredible talent and dedication of Peter Dinev to the world of Orthodox music.

The Peter Dinev ·Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is a powerful addition to any music collection. Immerse yourself in the rich history and spiritual essence of Orthodox music with this stunning composition from one of the best Orthodox composers of our time.

Peter Dinev · Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

  • [1] By the Rivers of Babylon (Na rekah Vavilonskih) 8'44"

    [2] Great Litany (Velika ektenia) 5'08"

    [3] Bless the Lord O My Soul (Blagoslovi dushe moya Gospoda) 2'17"

    [4] Small Litany (Malka ektenia)- Glory to Lord and the Son

    (Slava Ottsu i Sinu) 5'17"

    [5] In Thy Kingdom (Vo tsarstvii Tvoem) - Come Let Us Worship

    (Priidite poklonimsya) 5'40"

    [6] Cherubic Song (Herouvimska pessen) - As You Reign

    (Yako da Tsarya) 7'22"

    [7] The Lord and the Son (Ottsa i Sina) 1'00"

    [8] Mercy of Peace (Milost mira) - We Sing Thee (Tebe poem) 7'04"

    [9] Meet It Is (Dostoino est) 3'39"

    [10] Our Father (Otche nash) 3'31"

    [11] Rejoice, Virgin Mother of God (Bogoroditse, Devo, raduisya) 1'13"

    [12] The Judicious Villain (Razboinika blagorazumnago) 2'46"

    [13] Praise Ye the Name of the Lord (Hvalite imya Gospodne) 2'16"

    [14] Christ Is Risen I (Hristos voskrese I) - Christ Is Risen II

    (Hristos voskrese II) Grant, O Lord, Many Years (Mnogaya leta) 6'26"

    DDD 63'09"

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