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The Robert Schumann · Gesänge für Frauenstimmen is a collection of powerful and emotional choral compositions that were created during a period of great personal happiness for the composer. His lyrical songs are an expression of his innermost feelings of joy, sorrow, delight and inspirations connected with the poetry of his beloved Moerike, Ruekert, Eichendorff, Elisabeth Kulmann and other German poets who have been a source of inspiration for many composers of romantic music. Selected with much precision, the lyrical songs reveal Schumann's talent in shaping the small, always exquisitely woven musical form, his musical gift to create images, metaphors, characters, and natural scenery. The interpretation of singers and choir-masters alike is magnificent with its sincere emotion, subtle nuances of sound and colour, keen feeling for ensemble and perfect intonation.

Robert Schumann · Gesänge für Frauenstimmen

  • op. 69 (1849)

    [1] Tamburinschlägerin / Eichendorff 1'17''

    [2] Waldmädchen / Eichendorff 1'32''

    [3] Klosterfräulein / Kerner 1'58''

    [4] Soldatenbraut / Mörike 1'21''

    [5] Meerfey / Eichendorff 2'10''

    [6] Die Capelle / Uhland 3'29''

    op. 91 (1849)

    [7] Rosmarien / Altdeutsch 1'52''

    [8] Jäger Wohlgemuth / Aus des Knaben Wunderhorn 1'12''

    [9] Der Wassermann / Kerner 1'53''

    [10] Das verlassene Mägdlein / Mörike 1'53''

    [11] Der Bleicherin Nachtlied / Reinick 4'04''

    [12] In Meeres Mitten / Rückert 3'22''

    op. 103 (1851)

    [13] Mailied / Elisabeth Kulmann 1'24''

    [14] Frühlingslied / Elisabeth Kulmann 1'38''

    [15] An die Nachtigall / Elisabeth Kulmann 1'29''

    [16] An den Abendstern / Elisabeth Kulmann 1'42''

    op. 114 (1853)

    [17] Nänie / L. Bechstein 3'08''

    [18] Triolett / C. L'egru 1'39''

    [19] Spruch / Rückert 2'33''

    op. 79 (1849)

    [20] Mailied / * * * 1'24''

    [21] Spinnelied / Altes Lied 1'42''

    op. * * * (1849)

    [22] Sommerruh / Christian Schad 3'13''

    op. 50 (1843)

    [23] Chor der Houris aus ''Das Paradies und die Peri'' 3'19''

    op. 29 (1840)

    [24] Ländliches Lied / Geibel 2'18''

    [25] Lied / Geibel 3'04''

    DDD 55'45''

    Irina Stiglich, piano and organ
    Irina Stiglich, Theodora Pavlovitch, conductors

    Bulgarian Website
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