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Bulgarian Orthodox Church involves two traditions of church singing: eastern (one-part), and choir (polyphonic). St. John Koukouzeles' Orthodox Chants is a collection of beautiful vocal pieces that explore both traditions. This album is a perfect choice for those looking to deepen their understanding of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and its music. It features a mix of traditional hymns and modern compositions, all of which are performed according to the strict rules of the canon.

Immerse yourself in the divine and embrace the power of sacred music!

St. John Koukouzeles · Orthodox Chants

  • ST. JOHN KOUKOUZELES (13th-14th c.)

    [1] Hvalite Gospoda S'nebes (Praise the Lord from the Heavens) 5'51''

    [2] Slava Ottsu (Glory to the Father) anonym 1'35''

    [3] Vozlyublyu tya, Gospodi (I Shall Love Thee, My Lord) 0'57''

    YOAN H. OHRIDSKY (1829-1890)

    [4] Dostoino Est (Meet It Is), 3'27''

    in the 5th mode Hieromonk Neophyte Rilski

    [5] Voskreseniya den (The Day of Resurrection), in the 5th mode 2'36''

    DOBRI HRISTOV (1875-1941)

    [6] Blazhen mouzh (Blessed Is the Man) 4'40''

    [7] Vo tsarstvii tvoem (In Thy Kingdom) 2'30''

    [8] Svete tihii (O Gladsome Radiance) 2'37''

    [9] Herouvimska No. 4 (Cherubic Song No. 4) 7'44''


    [10] Blagoslovi dushe moya gospoda i malka ektenia 4'33''

    (Bless the Lord O My Soul and Small Litany)

    [11] Otche Nash (Our Father) 4'28''

    [12] Veliko slavoslovie (Great Doxology) 10'40''

    PETER DINEV (1889-1980)

    [13] Blagoslovi dushe moya Gospoda (Bless the Lord O My Soul) 2'17''

    [14] Dostoino Est (Meet It Is) 3'38''

    [15] Angel vopiyashe (The Angel Cried) 2'12''

    [16] Razboinika blagorazumnago (The Judicious Villain) 2'54''

    DDD 63'34''

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